Class Archer

  extended by infinitewisdom.model.util.ServerUnitIFAdapter
      extended by gamedom1.units.Archer
All Implemented Interfaces:
ServerUnitIF, UnitIF,

public class Archer
extends ServerUnitIFAdapter

See Also:
Serialized Form

Field Summary
Fields inherited from class infinitewisdom.model.util.ServerUnitIFAdapter
attackpoint, coolDown, coolDownTimer, gameWorld, goal, hitpoint, idcounter, idnum, name, player, pos, range, shield, size, speed, state
Constructor Summary
Archer(PlayerIF player, Vec2f pos)
Method Summary
 void step()
          Timestep of simulation.
Methods inherited from class infinitewisdom.model.util.ServerUnitIFAdapter
collide, commandAttack, commandMove, commandStop, doesDamage, getAttackPoints, getAttackRange, getCoolDown, getEnemy, getGameWorld, getGoal, getHitPoints, getId, getPlayer, getPosition, getShield, getSize, getSpeed, getState, setAttackPoints, setAttackRange, setCoolDown, setGameWorld, setHitPoints, setPlayer, setPosition, setShield, setSpeed, setState, toString
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public Archer(PlayerIF player,
              Vec2f pos)
Method Detail


public void step()
Description copied from interface: ServerUnitIF
Timestep of simulation.

Specified by:
step in interface ServerUnitIF
step in class ServerUnitIFAdapter