Interface ServerCommandParserIF

All Known Implementing Classes:
LocalParserDom1, NetworkCommunicatorClient

public interface ServerCommandParserIF

Interface for a class that processes the ServerCommands and decides who has the right to do what. There's a need for such things in both the client and the server side. Of course the server side one has the final say, the client side one is just for maintaining the consistency of the local cache of the GameWorld. Ideally the client side side one and the server side one is identical. (That what's recommended, but of course a player with ill intetntions, trying to cheat wouldnt use that, but it doesn't matter as the server won't use data predicted by clients as it's usual with commercial FPS games.) Networking isn't implemented yet. In a local game it's possible to cheat. See the CheatManagerIF

Method Summary
 void parseCommand(ServerCommand command)

Method Detail


void parseCommand(ServerCommand command)